Friday, July 5, 2013

Sucky Beginning, Blessed Ending

Who really knows what the best topic is to start your very first blog post with. What can I say to keep you captivated enough to come back tomorrow, or next week? I thought about giving just a brief summary of my autobiography, or jumping right in there and ranting about this or that. However, I believe that just my storybook of a day needs to be written down into words so I can remember it forever!

I have experienced a full spectrum of emotions today. I have laughed, cried, threatened to rip eyes from their sockets, been humiliated, excited, and may possibly witness a wee miracle before this night is over. Like I said, storybook of a day. Started out like it always does... child clinging to my knee, screaming mindlessly; because Me getting in the shower turns her world upside down. Any child psychologists out there that can tell me why the sound of the faucet coming on turns her from happy-go-lucky one year old to a mini Hitler? Love to know. So I get her under control, take her to moms, run a thousand errands. My day's going great, feeling accomplished... then I go to check out at Walmart. *big sigh.

The fella cashing me out politely makes small talk with me, starts bagging up my baby food and says,"Oh when are you due, are you stocking up before it comes?" I just stare at him just a little embarrassed at this point and say,"No I already had her." THEN he proceeds to POINT at my body and say,"Oh so that's just left over from then." First of all what the what!? I just stand there staring at him fire engine red and shake my head yes. What else can you do in that kind of awkwardness? My humiliation doesn't end there. He doesn't get the clue that he should really just shut up and asks,"So when did you have her?" He thought that I had just had her recently. I looked at him with dagger eyes and a deep desire to punch him in the throat and told him I had her a YEAR ago! Needless to say I went to the car and cried. I mean I knew I was chunky compared to what I was before I birthed a child, but good gravy... I didn't think I looked that bad! To top off my wonderful Walmart experience, I get home and what do I do? I step in a Guinness world record sized pile of dog crap. Might I add that it was fresh.

Despite how craptastic my day was there is a light at the end of the tunnel and a happy ending to my story. At 10:35 My best friend called and.... Her water broke! It's her very first child and it took a little convincing to make her realize that it really was her water, but she finally called the hospital. He's two weeks early, but no one knows how glad I am that she went into labor tonight. We were supposed to go boating tomorrow although I tried to convince her not to. I really have no desire to be that close up to her "downtown" or deliver a baby and that's exactly what would've ended up happening! So keep them in your prayers folks. Tomorrow we'll be welcoming little Holden Andrew Reed into the world... at the hospital and not on a speedboat, Thank God!

1 comment:

  1. No baby, But no boating today either. We're keeping it easy at the waves of fun!
