Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Free Printable Wall Art Projects

I walk around the home décor department oo la la'ing at the wall art that would look PERFECT in my house, only to have my happy bubble deflated when I turn it around to check out the ridonkulous price tags. Twenty-five bucks for a little square piece of "art you can't even see unless you have your nose pressed to it! So did Picasso himself paint it and does it look like me and Ben Franklin are BFF's? No no honey, I think not.
Ugh, maybe I'm just turning into my ex-husband. A supreme cheapskate. Well whether it really is just too expensive or I'm turning into a serious penny pincher, I have found the answer to my prayers and my new obsession. Free Printable Wall Art. You heard the word... FREE BABY!
Here are a few of my projects, and I have a few more in the works. You just click the link, print and frame. It's that easy! So check it out and get inspired!

For sleeping bear and dozens more
For the most beautifully done bible quotes
The owl was something random I found and saved to my computer. I don't have a link.
Some of the quotes I printed were not free printables. They were just random pics getting passed around the internet. You have to be considerate though. Some downloads you come across will cost you. Usually not much. Five, eight dollars if you just can't live without that particular pic.  


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Your Welcome 'Merica/ Release the Kraken

These past few weeks my mind has been in hyper drive and I've gotta say, it has resulted in some good, bad, and well... just plain hairy idea's and conclusions. I've also come up with one of the most brilliant, Albert Einstein worthy idea's ever!

I think that all this outrageous amount of money that gets spent on providing housing, recreational activities, and medical expenses for criminals should be put into building a PMS relief center for women. It should be built like a hotel/spa where women are forced to go during their wonderful monthly visit from the "lady in red." I mean do you see any Cons with this idea?

Lets face it, our men hate us during this sensitive time because we let all of their stupidity that we deal with the rest of the month build up inside, then let it rip on them in that one single week. Which if I'm calculating it correctly is about the equivalent of an atomic bomb going off in a septic tank. Talk about when the crap hits the fan... mercy. So if we're not around to release the Kraken on them, then they get to keep their manhood in tact and their love for us won't dwindle, thus decreasing divorce rates. Also women will get one week a month all to themselves to relax and be pampered. So when it's over they'll go home to their husbands with open arms, happy and rejuvenated. They say a happy wife makes a happy home, thus again decreasing divorce rates. 

See what I just did? I just solved three fourths of America's problems right there. You know what decreased divorce rates mean don't you? Kid's won't grow up in broken homes, so their will be less drug use, teen pregnancies, criminal activity. They'll grow up to be productive members of society.. not serial killers or lazy bums that take advantage of the welfare system. The list of benefits from this one simple idea is boundless. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, your welcome America.

For those of you that don't understand the "release the Kraken on them" comment
please see image below. Ha.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Trailer Trash Re-treasured Dresser/Shelf

Here's a fun little riddle.
I have a potato duck taped to my butt. Who am I?
Yeah it's me!
I was stung by a wasper yesterday and the slice of potato is supposed to draw out the poison. It's not working. I think my mom fibbered and is secretly giggling at my gullibleness.
Anyway on to my dresser project. So I was having a problem with Little Miss Fingers constantly pulling everything off the bottom shelves in her bedroom. Basically making them completely useless for storage. So I needed a solution fast. I decided to take my dresser a friend gave me and the now useless bookcase that I've had since high school and slap them together. Turned into a nice functional piece I'm quite proud of, that took me no time to do.
Now how did I do it is the question.
      1. Removed all the handles from the dresser first of course.
      2. The top was a laminate so I had to rough it up a bit to help the primer stick better. I simply whipped out a piece of sandpaper, no specific grain and rubbed it down. Would even recommend rubbing down the rest of the dresser if you have the patience.
      3. Clean it! Get a wet rag and wipe it down real good to remove all the dust from sanding.
      4. The primer is the most vital part. It helps the paint stick to the wood and makes the color of the paint more accurate. I used Krylon indoor/outdoor, white primer, spray paint. I sprayed the surface in 3 thin layers. Waiting about 5-10mins between coats.
      5. After letting the primer dry for about 2hrs I started the first coat of paint. I used Glidden High Indurance, semi gloss in Enchanted Violet. It's the Disney collection at Wal-Mart. Cutest color choices you've ever seen!
      6. While waiting for the first coat to dry(about an hour outside in the shade) I removed the cardboard back from the bookcase and had my step-dad cut the bookcase in half. A carpet knife is easiest to use when cutting the cardboard.
      7. Before nailing the cardboard back on to the bookcase halves, I found a really pretty piece of material and stapled it onto the edges of the cardboard. I would recommend using spray adhesive you buy in the craft section. I didn't have any on hand, and didn't feel like running to the store so I made do with staples. Impatience at its finest. I then nailed them back on, staples all well hidden I promise.
      8. Painted a second coat on the dresser, spray painted the handles white with some white paint that I found and let it all dry overnight. Next day, put handles back on, flipped the bookcase pieces upside down and sat them on top. Inserted the shelves, decorated, and viola. Project finished and Little Miss Fingers can't reach high enough to pull anything off.
      Just wanted to mention if your going to do a kitchen table or coffee table which gets used a lot, I would not take the easy way like I did here with the dresser. A sander and poly would be recommended.

            Monday, July 8, 2013

            Update on Holden Andrew

            So just a little update on Holden Andrew.

            That little booger is still snug as a bug in his mommy's belly. It was a big false alarm.

            We did get to go to the Lake after all. I haven't been on a speedboat since I was twelve? So about 14 years. Not going to lie it was the best day this summer I've had so far.

            Ah, Summersville Lake just tickles the soul.


            I do declare, next year we are going to make boating our new weekly summer activity.

            Double fist pump for that declaration!


            Friday, July 5, 2013

            Sucky Beginning, Blessed Ending

            Who really knows what the best topic is to start your very first blog post with. What can I say to keep you captivated enough to come back tomorrow, or next week? I thought about giving just a brief summary of my autobiography, or jumping right in there and ranting about this or that. However, I believe that just my storybook of a day needs to be written down into words so I can remember it forever!

            I have experienced a full spectrum of emotions today. I have laughed, cried, threatened to rip eyes from their sockets, been humiliated, excited, and may possibly witness a wee miracle before this night is over. Like I said, storybook of a day. Started out like it always does... child clinging to my knee, screaming mindlessly; because Me getting in the shower turns her world upside down. Any child psychologists out there that can tell me why the sound of the faucet coming on turns her from happy-go-lucky one year old to a mini Hitler? Love to know. So I get her under control, take her to moms, run a thousand errands. My day's going great, feeling accomplished... then I go to check out at Walmart. *big sigh.

            The fella cashing me out politely makes small talk with me, starts bagging up my baby food and says,"Oh when are you due, are you stocking up before it comes?" I just stare at him just a little embarrassed at this point and say,"No I already had her." THEN he proceeds to POINT at my body and say,"Oh so that's just left over from then." First of all what the what!? I just stand there staring at him fire engine red and shake my head yes. What else can you do in that kind of awkwardness? My humiliation doesn't end there. He doesn't get the clue that he should really just shut up and asks,"So when did you have her?" He thought that I had just had her recently. I looked at him with dagger eyes and a deep desire to punch him in the throat and told him I had her a YEAR ago! Needless to say I went to the car and cried. I mean I knew I was chunky compared to what I was before I birthed a child, but good gravy... I didn't think I looked that bad! To top off my wonderful Walmart experience, I get home and what do I do? I step in a Guinness world record sized pile of dog crap. Might I add that it was fresh.

            Despite how craptastic my day was there is a light at the end of the tunnel and a happy ending to my story. At 10:35 My best friend called and.... Her water broke! It's her very first child and it took a little convincing to make her realize that it really was her water, but she finally called the hospital. He's two weeks early, but no one knows how glad I am that she went into labor tonight. We were supposed to go boating tomorrow although I tried to convince her not to. I really have no desire to be that close up to her "downtown" or deliver a baby and that's exactly what would've ended up happening! So keep them in your prayers folks. Tomorrow we'll be welcoming little Holden Andrew Reed into the world... at the hospital and not on a speedboat, Thank God!